Monday, August 22, 2011

Mouse attack ~~~!!!!!

Shit shit shit~~~

My food store in my drawer been attacked by stupid mouse/s!!!

Stupid oh...Made my whole drawer dirty and full of coffee powder!!!

What the F#$@#!!!!



Start from now ,I can't store my delicious biscuits and maggi mee inside Lab le..So sad..Wu wu wu....

MOUSE, I hate you o0o...

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Badminton World Championship 2011

So near yet so far...

Datuk Lee, you're the best in all Malaysians' heart!!!!!!

So close yet so far from the champion...

Tomorrow sure everyone will discuss on it.

What we can wish right now is Olympic Gold Medal next year!!!

Datuk Lee, 1st Gold Medal from Malaysia in Olympic!!!

Dream for it!!!!!

Work for it !!!!!

Win for it!!!!!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Extreme Badminton 8/8


Won 4 sets out of 5 sets in the hard games which the opponents are better skill and experiment players. Hehe..

Thanks to my partner, Mr Wong.

Won 3 tin of 100 plus oh.Hehe...

Nice game!!!

Hope next Monday can win some 100 plus also so I can sell them to earn some fees back. Haha...

But recently less sport or exercise leh. Can simply feel my body strength no as good as before.

Have to start jogging and swimming!!!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

MonDay Extreme Badminton 1.8.2011

1st time I played badminton in this court with this group of people on Monday until I had no time to change my sweaty shirt and so excited to beat the opponent!!

1st time I partner with Seh Hua in this game achieved unbeaten record!!!

1st time I played till so excited and enjoy the game really well...Haha...

Seh Hua and me have better partnership and we're getting better in double playing skill. Hehehe...

Hope this is a sign and we can continue achive our unbeaten record in coming weeks...Hehe...