Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Thesis = killer...

Final year project = Thesis. A nightmare for all final year student. Am I correct??

I really can't get any good thing from this stupid final year project.. Is that i must learned something from so difficult 'project'??

Since the 1st time i stepped into 2nd college, all seniors kept talking how terrible thesis is. When the time is coming, is my turn to grumble on this stupid work le!!!!

Waste time, waste energy, waste money...Anyone can tell me what is the benefit that student can get from final year project??
Learn how to prepare report? No. We can learn this skill from prepare experiment report.
Learn how to write research paper? If I don't wish to further study, is that i need to have this skill for finding a job?
Learn how to analysis data? No need do thesis also can learn gua?
Learn how to write literature review? Haha...

I really what i learn from doing thesis...

So stress and so hard...Ai...


Finish grumbling!!!!!

Go work lo...

Aza aza fighting...

P.s: Will you read this post?

I just want to tell you that I never stop missing you even 1 second...

Take care...

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